Friday, July 29, 2011

UNRWA Reaching for the sky: Gaza children at UN Summer Games, snatch the world record for kite flying back from China

Kite-flying Guinness World Record, Gaza 2011

UNRWA Albums: On Thursday 28 July 2011, the children of Gaza set their last and biggest Guinness World Record for this year, for the largest number of kites flown simultaneously.

The event went ahead just hours after masked men vandalised the world record site. Like true champions, the children refused to be intimidated and broke the record of 10,465 kites set earlier this year in China.

The world record attempt was generously supported by the European Union, Finland, Australia and the United States.

World record success proves children’s potential

“It was nothing short of miraculous," said Gunness. “The tiny “David” of Gaza has overcome the mighty “Goliath” of China; even more astonishing that the children of Gaza achieved this under the punishing, illegal blockade. Three-quarters of a million children are being collectively punished and there must be transparency and accountability to end this affront to our humanity. The kites will provide another iconic reminder of the beauty and potential of these children, despite the injustices they face.”

The event marked the end of Summer Games 2011, during which the children of Gaza have smashed the world records for the largest number of people flying parachutes from the ground, the largest number of people dribbling footballs simultaneously and for producing the world’s largest-ever handprint painting.

The Games give 250,000 children across Gaza a much-needed respite from the difficulties of their daily lives – offering them a safe place to swim, play and make new friends.

Six weeks of fun and laughter

To see all the action from the last six weeks of Summer Games, join us on Facebook or visit our Summer Games section.

This world record was funded by the people of:

United States
European Union

Donate to UNRWA

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