Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two Marches, Two Futures for Jerusalem by David Shulman | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

"Here, then, is the other future for Jerusalem, the alternative to the settlers’ program. On one side, we have a violent, mystically charged racism with its vision of brute domination of one people by another, and of an endgame of perpetual disenfranchisement and dispossession. On the other side, we have the prospect of a free Palestine, with its capital in East Jerusalem, the end of the Occupation, and the realistic hope of an agreement based on compromise and mutuality, an agreement whose details are by now common knowledge and broadly acceptable to a majority on both sides of the Green Line..." David Shulman
Two Marches, Two Futures for Jerusalem by David Shulman | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Graffiti showing the Dome of the Rock on the Separation Barrier in Abu Dis, near Jerusalem
photo from William Parry's recent book Against the Wall: The Art of Resistance in Palestine.

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