Monday, July 25, 2011

My letter to the WSJ RE BRUCE BAWER :Inside the Mind of the Oslo Murderer

RE: BRUCE BAWER :Inside the Mind of the Oslo Murderer

Dear Editor,

First Bruce Bawer explains how his own manifesto "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within" inspired the perpetrator of the monstrous terror attack in Oslo, and then Bruce Bawer goes on to reiterate his own anti-Muslim message which helped inspire that murderous attack in the first place!

Knowing that free speech and our fourth estate are crucial elements of American democracy the real question is not why is Bruce Bawer writing bigoted diatribes, but why is the Wall Street Journal publishing his hate mongering garbage. Both anti-Muslim bigots and Islamists thrive on this kind of nasty trash, each becoming more convinced that they are right- and each becoming more extreme in their rage and rhetoric.

Why not try to help spread some more helpful and civilized ideas... Surely you can find some writers who are eager and able to condemn bigotry of all types- and terrorism.

Anne Selden Annab

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