Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In Congress, Palestinian students call for state: "I want to be a Palestinian coming from an independent Palestinian state."
In Congress, Palestinian students call for state

WASHINGTON (Ma'an) -- Two Palestinian students spoke Monday in the US Congress urging lawmakers to support the campaign for recognition of an independent state on the 1967 borders.

Journalism student Baha Milhim, 22, from Duheisha refugee camp near Bethlehem, and Samir Anabtawi, 21, a student of political science from Jenin, are interning in the US Capitol this summer.

Milhim spoke of refugees from his personal experience. Palestinians are suffering at checkpoints and crossings and Israel should concede that Palestinians have a right to independence, he said.

"I am speaking to you today from inside the US Congress to clarify to you all that it’s time for change, and I am foreseeing the opportunity for change coming this September," he added.

Anabtwi spoke of living through the second intifada when Israel invaded Jenin in 2002. He was shot at by an Israeli tank and when he was just nine years old he witnessed his doctor father failing to save a child's life.

He said: "I have the right to hate but I refuse to do so ... I am here to demand my rights and independence. I don’t want to stay 'nobody' and come from 'nowhere'.

"I want to be a Palestinian coming from an independent Palestinian state."

Milhim and Anabtwi are interning with two democrat congressmen, Donald Payne and Jared Polis. The two Palestinian students described the congressmen as pro-peace.

"A few managed to enter the walls of the US Congress," Milhim said.

"But we have more work to do in international forums to be closer to the decision-making to mobilize international political support for the Palestinian state in September."

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