Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tens of Thousands of dollars in legal fees/lawyers/ court battles later....

Spring 2011 "While posting pictures of my father and grandfather, my 2 1/2 years old grandson was sitting on my lap and I was trying to explain to him that his grandfather (me), also had a grandfather...He got to see a picture of his great-great grandfather! How cool is that?!" Mike Hanini Odetalla (Abu Odeh)

A 100% Authentic Palestinian: Mike Hanini Odetalla's Grandfather, Suleiman, Allah Yirhamu, passed away in 1953, and yet Zionist criminals found a way to forge his signature on a "Sale of Land" documents dated October 1967...Tens of Thousands of dollars in legal fees/lawyers/ court battles later, Mike's family was able to "prove" that he couldn't have signed these documents from his grave.

1979 Palestinians: Musa (Mike's brother), Um Suleiman (Mike's mom), Mike Hanini Odetalla(Abu Odeh), Suleiman (Mike's brother)

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

Mike's LIFTA Album: Ethnically Cleansed 1948

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