Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Roger Waters applauds Dave Randall and Maxi Jazz, and all the other musicians who came together to record 'Freedom for Palestine'

A note from Roger - June 21, 2011

by Roger Waters The Wall on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 8:48pm

A note from me to all my friends on Facebook. I have been contacted by "The Russell Tribunal on Palestine" and asked to share a link with you all. The link will direct you to a new video of a song called "Freedom for Palestine". My position on Palestine is well known and I have already given my endorsement to these guys in other forums. I repeat it here:

"I applaud Dave Randall and Maxi Jazz, and all the other musicians who came together to record 'Freedom for Palestine'. I fully share, and endorse, the sentiments they express in their song, more power to them and to all who stand together in the fight for a free Palestine . We shall overcome."

However, in addition, I would urge any of you who are interested in the Israel/Palestine question and its legal and moral ramifications also to visit

The Russell Tribunal is a truly thought provoking and uplifting initiative that is largely ignored by the mainstream media. Check it out.

Love Roger

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