Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lawmaker Ashrawi Defends Palestinian Right to Seek UN Recognition
Lawmaker Ashrawi Defends Palestinian Right to Seek UN Recognition

RAMALLAH, June 8, 2011 (WAFA)- Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi Wednesday defended Palestinian right to approach the United Nations in September to get full membership within the 1967 borders.

Ashrawi, who is also member of the PLO Executive Committee, was reacting to statements by US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel calling on Palestinians to stop taking “unilateral steps” and avoid going to UN in September for recognition of the Palestinian state.

“Going to the UN in September for the recognition of the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital is legal, humanitarian and political Palestinian right and not a unilateral step,” she said.

She emphasized the need to change the US stance from going to the UN, saying “Obama has to realize that this step brings stability, peace and security to the region.”

The PLO is going the UN because it is the source of international legitimacy for gaining full membership of the Palestinian state, Ashrawi said.

“They must realize that Israel is the one taking unilateral steps,” she said. “By continuing with the occupation, refusing to respect our rights and violating international law with its settlement activities, land expropriation, building the apartheid wall and imposing the siege, Israel actually poses a threat to international peace and security,” she said.

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