Monday, May 16, 2011

A right to return By Jody McIntyre

No amount of time can make an injustice legitimate. No amount of oppression can make a people forget.

Sunday, May 15th 2011 marked the 63rd anniversary of al-Nakba, or the catastrophe, to commemorate the ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land. Yesterday, thousands of Palestinian refugees marched alongside Syrians, Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebanese, to demand their right to return to their homes. On the Syrian border, many managed to cross over into the Israeli-occupied Syrian territory of Majdal Shams, in the Golan Heights. In the village of Maroun al-Ras, southern Lebanon, thousands marched to the border to return home, and were shot at by Israeli soldiers. In Gaza, snipers picked off unarmed demonstrators as they marched to the Erez crossing. In the space of one day, Israeli soldiers had killed citizens of three different nationalities; Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese. It was not even the top news story of the day....READ MORE

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