Monday, May 23, 2011

Israel must recognize Palestinian refugees right to return - Abbas

Politics 5/22/2011 9:43:00 PM
AMMAN, May 22 (KUNA) -- Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stressed Sunday that Israel must accept Palestinian refugees' right to return and get compensation for their displacement.

In a press conference following a meeting with Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Al-Bakhit, Abbas added that Israel should recognize East Jerusalem as a part of the Arab occupied territories.

The Palestinian leader also noted that Hamas is part of the Palestinian people and practicing opposition according to the democratic rules.

Abbas, however, said peace negotiations would be handled to the new unity government.
The Palestinian President also expressed gratitude for Jordanian King Abdullah II for his support to Palestinians and their cause.

For his part, Jordanian Premier underscored that the refugees' right to return and the recognition of East Jerusalem as a capital for the future Palestinian state are the most important issues that have to be included in any peace deal.

1 comment:

  1. Even if every Palestinian refugee returns Israel will remain Israel. It has institutions and loyal citizens empowered to empower Israel where ever they might be. Sure would be nice if Palestine did too!

    See Ibish's excellent article on the topic: Hussein Ibish: Two Narratives for Two Peoples
