Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My letter to the New York Times RE Prominent Israelis Will Propose a Peace Plan

RE: Prominent Israelis Will Propose a Peace Plan

Dear Editor,

The official Arab Peace Initiative is a much better peace plan that the unofficial proposal recently put forth by prominent Israelis.... but at least some Israelis are dreaming of a just and lasting peace too- and progress for region. HOWEVER it is a huge shame that these prominent Israelis are using the podium of peace to do what they can to turn the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return to original homes and lands into more forced transfer and exile for the children of historic Palestine. I very much hope that most Palestinian refugees chose to invest in and live in New Palestine rather than Israel, but that choice must not be imposed upon them: A fully secular two state solution is the only way to stop the rising tide of religious extremism and militancy that has been wrecking havoc, ruining lives, impoverishing and terrorizing countless people- and undermining reasonable efforts to end the ongoing Israel/Palestine conflict.

Anne Selden Annab,
American homemaker & poet

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