Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Juliano Mer Khamis served in the Israeli army as a paratrooper... but he cast his lot with the Palestinians.

"A statement from the office of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said that he had ordered security forces to work “round the clock” to find the assailant and bring him to justice. Fayyad called the killing “a despicable crime” that “goes against our people’s morals and beliefs in coexistence.”"
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/israeli-actor-slain-in-jenin-refugee-camp/2011/04/04/AFWeAIfC_story.htmlMomen Sweitatno / REUTERS - Juliano Mer Khamis served in the Israeli army as a paratrooper and portrayed Israeli Jews in film and stage roles, but he cast his lot with the Palestinians.

Israeli actor slain in Jenin refu­gee camp

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