Friday, April 29, 2011

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi: “Previously, the Israeli government claimed that it did not have a partner for peace because Palestinians were divided..."

PLO Executive Committee PRESS RELEASE

April 28, 2011

Department of Culture and Information

Palestinian reconciliation a positive step forward

PLO Executive Committee member and member of the PLC, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, today welcomed an agreement between Fatah and Hamas on reconciliation and future elections.

“The division between Fatah and Hamas has been enormously destructive and self-defeating for Palestinians. This agreement represents a positive step towards Palestinian reconciliation and national unity, which are absolutely crucial to the success of our struggle for freedom and statehood against the status quo of Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid. It is also a significant victory for democracy in the region,” Dr Ashrawi said.

“Genuine reconciliation and democratic elections are aimed at empowering the Palestinian people, which is precisely why Israel opposes this agreement. The Israeli government does not want to deal with a united Palestinian national movement. Instead, its strategy is one of ‘divide and conquer’.”

“Previously, the Israeli government claimed that it did not have a partner for peace because Palestinians were divided. Now, with Palestinians on the verge of achieving national unity, the same government is saying that President Abbas must choose between peace with Israel or peace with Hamas, but that he cannot have both. Hamas is part of the Palestinian political landscape and part of a Palestinian pluralistic and inclusive democracy. Just as importantly, Palestinian reconciliation makes a positive contribution to peace and stability in the region.”

“What makes Israel’s response all the more absurd is that this Israeli government has done all it can to sabotage efforts towards peace, starting with its refusal to cease all settlement activities.”

“The Palestinian leadership has a responsibility to the Palestinian people. Its mandate is to represent their wishes and safeguard their rights. It is not for Israel to dictate the terms of Palestinian politics, or to determine whom the Palestinian people can and cannot elect.”

Dr Ashrawi called on the international community to respond positively to Palestinian reconciliation.

“Amid the dismal failures of the so-called “peace process” and American efforts to restart negotiations, Palestinian reconciliation presents a significant opportunity to change the prevailing dynamic. It is an opportunity that the international community should embrace and use to rebuild momentum by supporting democratic development in Palestine and throughout the region. It also supports the cause of peace and stability,” Dr Ashrawi said.

“Palestinians face enormous challenges to win back our rights and freedoms against a state bent on maintaining its occupation, building more settlements, and denying Palestinian refugees their fundamental rights. We cannot face these challenges except as one people united by a common vision and a shared determination to persist and overcome. Genuine peace is built on such a vision and determination, and on international law.”

Dr Ashrawi ended by saying that the hopes of many Palestinians rested on the success of reconciliation efforts.

“The challenge ahead is for all Palestinians to ensure the success of these efforts, and for the international community to grasp this opportunity,” Dr Ashrawi concluded.

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