Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tell Congress to Support Funding for Palestinian Refugees | Churches for Middle East Peace

Tell Congress to Support Funding for Palestinian Refugees | Churches for Middle East Peace

As a voter here in the United States you can help bring Palestinian voices to the halls of Congress. This Thursday in the House of Representatives the U.S. funding contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) will likely come under tough scrutiny and could even be dramatically cut.

UNRWA facilities provide hope and help stave-off despair for 4.7 million Palestinian refugees, sustaining a capable and healthy Palestinian society that will be a good neighbor to Israel when peace comes.

The U.S. contribution is UNRWA’s largest and has been so for the past 60 years. There is no alternative source of funding for this essential work. Any reduction or elimination in funding for this vital program would be dangerous and destabilizing for both Palestinians and Israelis, and a blow to U.S. credibility and influence in the region at a time of rising unrest in the Middle East.

Tell your members of Congress today to preserve funding for UNRWA and the millions of refugees that is serves!

Click Here to Take Action Now!!

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