Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Areikat: Israelis, Palestinians would gain from end of conflict

"Israel cannot justify its military occupation of Palestine nor defend its policies toward the Palestinian people at a time when the United States and the whole world are supporting democratic movements in the region. The continued subjugation of millions of Palestinians by Israel against their will is not acceptable, and Israel needs to understand that the demise of its occupation is inevitable. The sooner they reach that conclusion the better off Israelis, Palestinians and the rest of the world will be.

When the Palestine Liberation Organization took the historic decision in 1988 at the Palestine National Council meeting in Algiers to recognize Israel, Palestinians hoped for a courageous Israeli leadership that would recognize Palestinian independence. Instead, we have witnessed the systematic consolidation of Israeli occupation and the denial of Palestinian liberty under various pretexts. The foundation of security is peace, and the foundation for peace is Palestinian freedom..." Maen Rashid Areikat

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