Monday, October 11, 2010

My letter to MIFTAH 10-11-10 I Pledge Allegiance to What? By Joharah Baker

RE: I Pledge Allegiance to What? By Joharah Baker for MIFTAH

Dear Miftah,

Another EXCELLENT article by Joharah Baker ! I very much appreciate how well she explains things, how deftly she is able to describe what is going on, and how she tackles the most difficult subjects. However, I am not sure that the objection to Israel's newest racist law and escalating institutionalized bigotry is about "excluding the Palestinians and denying their national identity" as much is it is about excluding Palestinians and denying their history and their heritage.

For most of recorded history that place was Palestine- and people of all three Abrahamic faiths lived there as indigenous people. That history and heritage is something to be proud of- something to celebrate... something to aspire to once again, regardless of what borders might be where- or what name is stamped on anyone's passport.

Furthermore if a real Palestinian state, a viable and sovereign secular state living in peace alongside Israel ever comes to be, it will be that modern Palestine that mainly shapes how the world perceives the Palestinian national identity. I assume the Palestinian State will also remain involved in helping to protect the basic human rights and freedoms of the Palestinian men, women and children remaining in, as well as the
Palestinian men, women and children
returning to Israel.

Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

The Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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