Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My letter to The Guardian RE "The Palestinian president is too weak and compromised to accept any final settlement with which Netanyahu can live"

RE: Netanyahu, Abbas and the legitimacy deficit, The Palestinian president is too weak and compromised to accept any final settlement with which Netanyahu can live

Dear Editor,

Many Jewish writers (left, right and center) obviously wish to convince the world that Abbas has no popular support, thus convincing people worldwide not to support a negotiated settlement to once and for all end the Israel/Palestine conflict with a two state solution.

Many foolish pundits (left, right and center across the board) ignoring the perils of religious tyranny also seem to want to help put Islamists into power. Few pundits and opinionators recognize that a free and fully secular Palestine living in peace alongside a fully secular Israel will be ruled by fair and just laws- and led by various elected leaders: Abbas will retire and be respected for daring to invest in non-violent resistance to Israeli violations of international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights.

The big picture is that Palestine is not owned by any one leader or pundit or religious fanatic. Palestine is a diverse mix of real people, gentle people, decent people, loving people, and many supporters. Furthermore the Palestinian refugees inalienable right to return to original homes and lands is a reasonable right, a basic human right that we all take for granted as we grow gardens and update our kitchens and come and go as we engage in the business of life. It does not matter why you are away from home- but it does matter that the political powers that be allow you to return and to reclaim your own property and your own inheritance.

Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

The Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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