Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In West Bank, Peace Symbol Now Signifies Struggle

On Monday, Hussein Said Hussein Abu Aliya found olive trees poisoned, he said, by settlers. Photo by Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times

Olives were also stolen from hundreds of trees in villages.

In West Bank, Peace Symbol Now Signifies Struggle

TURMUS AYA, West Bank — Palestinians from villages like this one in the West Bank governorate of Ramallah still remember when the olive harvest was a joyous occasion, with whole families out for days in the fall sunshine, gathering the year’s crop and picnicking under the trees.

“We considered it like a wedding,” said Hussein Said Hussein Abu Aliya, 68.

But when Mr. Abu Aliya and his family from the neighboring village of Al-Mughayer — 36 of them in all, including grandchildren — drove out to their land this week in a snaking convoy of cars and pickup trucks with others from Turmus Aya, they found scores of their trees on the rocky slopes in various stages of decay, recently poisoned, they said, by Jewish settlers from an illegal Israeli outpost on top of the hill...READ MORE

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