Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coming to America by Helen Zughaib

ATFP ARTISTS CORNER: "Helen served as United States Cultural Envoy to the West Bank, Palestine. Zughaib feels that her background in the Middle East allows her to approach the experiences she has in America, in a unique way, remaining an observer of both the Arab and American cultures. She believes that the Arts are one of the most important tools we have to help shape and foster dialogue and positive ideas about the Middle East. Hopefulness, healing and spirituality, are all themes that are woven into her work..."
Stories My Father Told Me, by Helen Zughaib : Coming to America It was the end of a long wait and a long sea voyage. During dinner the night before we arrived, we learned that our ship, the Vulcania, would be passing by the Statue of Liberty at about 4 a.m. the next morning. A spontaneous decision was made by some of the younger passengers to see the Statue of Liberty. And so, sixteen days after leaving the port in Beirut for New York City, an exuberant group of young people from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine stayed up all night to greet the dawn and the Statue of Liberty. My father remembers it was a clear morning.

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