Monday, September 13, 2010

My letter to the Washington Post RE Jackson Diehl's "Who is bluffing Abbas or Netanyahu?"

RE: Who's bluffing: Abbas or Netanyahu?

Dear Editor,

"Who is bluffing Abbas or Netanyahu?" What a totally absurd and essentially manipulative question! Zionists have been waging a war on the people of historic Palestine for the past 60 years by constantly usurping Palestinian land, rights and life, and even the story itself at every opportunity. That is not a bluff- it is a cruel reality that has made life miserable for the native non-Jewish population of the so-called 'Holy Land'.

Today in the middle of peace talks "Thousands of Israeli settler homes planned" in the illegally occupied territories . That is not a bluff- it is a clear pattern of sovereign Israel scorning international law, and a clear pattern of sovereign Israel pretending to seek peace when really Israel is doing all it can to make peace impossible.

Israel refuses to even establish actual borders, much less respect the basic human rights of Palestinians wherever they might be. That is not a bluff- it is an impossible situation and kudos to the Palestinians (and all their many supporters) who realize that real freedom and dignity and true progress will only be found with a fully secular two state solution to end the Israel/Palestine conflict as soon as possible.

Anne Selden Annab

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