Thursday, August 26, 2010

My letter to the Washington Post RE G. Will's In the Mideast, the peace process is only a mirage

RE: In the Mideast, the peace process is only a mirage

Dear Editor,

George Will obviously wants the peace talks to fail, and he is doing what he can to make that a reality. He joins many nay sayers and extremists on all sides who seek to stop progress.

American Task Force for Palestine's Hussein Ibish wisely points out in his recent analysis "Israeli and Palestinian extremists are attempting to sabotage negotiations before they begin" that "For Hamas, I think it can be assumed that if they ever seize control of the Palestinian national movement, they will be not only ready, but possibly even eager, to negotiate with Israel as the focus most of their energy on the project to “Islamize” areas under their control, which seems to be what they care about the most. Their main political aim is the defeat and marginalization of the PLO, and to secure their own control of the Palestinian national movement."

Today's best hope for a just and lasting peace really is a negotiated settlement establishing a secular two state solution to once and for all END the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Anne Selden Annab

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