Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Israeli Settlers assault a 10-year-old Palestinian girl

News » Report: Settlers beat 10-year-old girl
Washington - Witnesses reported seeing settlers assault a 10-year-old Palestinian girl Sunday evening, Ma'an News Agency reported Wednesday.
Much settler graffiti (the above reading "Gas the Arabs") is written in English because many settlers come from the US and UK. [Delayed Gratification - Flickr]

Ma'an reported:

Inas Mazen Qaaqour was beaten by residents of the illegal Tel Rumeida settlement and treated at the Hebron Government Hospital where medics said she was bruised all over her body.

The report did not specify how Inas came to be in contact with the Tel Rumeida settlers.

An 8-year-old Palestinian boy was also struck by an Israeli military jeep, the report continued. He was taken to Hebron Government Hospital as well, and doctors there said he is in stable condition, Ma'an said.

Ma'an said the Israeli military did not respond to requests for a comment.

The report commented on the state of settler encroachment in Hebron:

The presence of settlements in the center of Hebron means that Palestinians and Israelis live closer in the city than anywhere else in the West Bank, sometimes on the same street.

The Israeli military controls 20 percent of the city including the Old City and the market area and imposes severe restrictions on Palestinians’ movement.

The Israeli rights group B’Tselem says settlers routinely abuse Palestinians in the city, sometimes using extreme violence. Filmed incidents include settlers shooting, stoning, and beating Palestinians with clubs.

The organization has reiterated Palestinian complaints that Israeli soldiers often witness these attacks but rarely intervene, and perpetrators are seldom prosecuted.

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