Monday, August 16, 2010

What America would be like if our government appointed a Chief Priest, empowered to define membership criteria for the white Christian nation?

"Adalah, the Legal Center for Minority Rights in Israel, counts more than 35 Israeli laws explicitly privileging Jews over non-Jews. Other Israeli laws appear neutral, but are applied in discriminatory fashion. For example, laws facilitating government land seizures make no reference to Palestinians, but nonetheless have been used almost exclusively to expropriate their properties for Jewish settlements.

Consider what it would be like if:

Our Constitution defined the union as a ``white Christian democratic state?''

Our laws still barred marriage across ethnic-religious lines?

Our government appointed a Chief Priest, empowered to define membership criteria for the white Christian nation?

Our government legally enabled immigration by white Christians while barring it for others?

Our government funded a Center for Demography that worked to increase the birth rates of white Christians to ensure their majority status?

These examples all have parallels in Israeli practices."

Read more:

Second-class citizens


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