Friday, August 6, 2010

ATFP Launches New Online Palestinian State and Institution Building Resources

The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) is pleased to announce the launching of a new section of its website devoted to compiling resources on the Palestinian state and institution building program. As far as we are aware this is the first effort to compile comprehensive set of resources on the Palestinian state building program. The compilation presently contains 277 separate resource documents, including the core founding documents of the program, documents detailing or analyzing progress, and some important precursor documents setting the stage for the adoption of the plan in August 2009. The state and institution building resource section of the ATFP website can be accessed directly.

ATFP is committed to continue to build this collection of important resources on Palestinian state and institution building as an ongoing and open-ended project, and welcomes input from any of its friends or supporters. If any important resource for document exists that is not presently in our collection, we welcome all suggestions at the bottom of the main resource page or directly. ATFP hopes these resources will help our fellow Americans and people around the world better understand the scope, progress and importance of state and institution building by the Palestinian people.

Please allow a few extra moments for the documents to load when accessing state and institution building resource section.

Palestine: Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State
Palestinian National Authority - August 31, 2009

The Palestinian State and Institution Building Program: Documents detailing the state and institution building program of the 13th Palestinian Government., available in English and Arabic.

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