Monday, July 5, 2010

Jordan's King Abdullah reiterates that the region will not enjoy peace and security without resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

AMMAN (JT) –– His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday met with UK Foreign Minister William Hague and discussed means to achieve progress in efforts to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.

King Abdullah and Hague underscored the need to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of the two-state solution and within a comprehensive regional context that ensures the restoration of Arab rights and brings about peace and security to the region, a Royal Court statement said.

The King underlined the need for the international community to take effective action to move peace efforts forward, warning that a continuation of the current dangerous situation will increase tensions and ignite violence.

The Monarch reiterated that the region will not enjoy peace and security without resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This will be achieved, he said, by ending the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent and viable Palestinian state on its national soil that lives side-by-side with Israel.

His Majesty's visit to the UK comes on the heels of a trip to the Kazakh capital, Astana, where he held talks Sunday with President Nursultan Nazarbayev on bilateral ties and the latest developments in the Middle East.

King Abdullah is scheduled to travel to the US where he will be joined by Her Majesty Queen Rania to participate in an economic forum in Idaho.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh said that Jordan and other Arab and Muslim countries have a shared vision for a permanent peace, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. In a lecture delivered at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, the minister said that the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict only comes through the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital within the 1967 borders, an agreed-on and just solution to the Pal?stinian refugees issue based on UN Security Council Resolution 194, and returning the Golan Heights to Syria as well as the remaining occupied Lebanese territories.

6 July 2010

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