Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Jordan Times: A Careless World

A careless world

With Israeli navy ships deployed to intercept another humanitarian aid mission, Israeli bulldozers demolishing houses in East Jerusalem while building others in Jewish settlements, and Israeli drones killing people in Gaza, the situation between Israelis and Palestinians is, yet again, back to square one.

Washington seems to have given up the pretence of evenhanded peacemaking.

The US is now focusing its efforts on forcing Palestinians to sit down with the very government that is killing them, blockading their livelihoods and demolishing their houses, apparently in an effort to appease an American populace for whom this is a vote winner in mid-term elections.

Indeed, this latest round of Israeli violations of human rights and anti-peace measures appears to have been sparked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s last visit to Washington, where he received a warm welcome from US President Barack Obama who practically gave Israel green light to kill a few more Palestinians, build more settlements and demolish more houses.

Israel can gradually ramp it up again, use negotiations as they were always intended, as a cover for more and more settlements, while all the time making life so unbearable that a slow, almost indiscernible but nevertheless effective, ethnic cleansing of Palestine is completed.

This is the “only” democracy in the Middle East.

So, what is left for the Palestinians? Well, luckily Hamas is arranging Koran camps for children in Gaza, and someone else is making sure that they are the only ones available. The Palestinian Authority continues its own little delusion, pouring money from donors into maintaining a peaceful occupation for Israel.

And those with choices, leave, anywhere and everywhere. Life in Palestine is not fit for human beings. But then, it is designed that way.

Israel does not want peace, Israel wants land, and it wants land without its indigenous population. Israel wants land because it is fearful and greedy and cannot stop its expansionism, and will not end its aggression until every country in the region has bowed down before it.

It is sad that the only countries in the world with the power to stop this crime either do not care or have entangled themselves so far into Israel’s web of deceit that they cannot.

15 July 2010

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