Wednesday, July 14, 2010

IBISHBLOG: Is the new “Emergency Committee” anti-Obama, anti-peace or both?

"....Peace is essential, and that peace, whether right wing Jewish supporters of the [Israeli] occupation and Armageddon-yearning ["Christian"] Bible bashers like it or not, in fact requires ending the occupation." Hussein Ibish

Is the new “Emergency Committee” anti-Obama, anti-peace or both?

A rather predictable group of Jewish right-wing supporters of Israel including William Kristol, Rachel Abrams, and Noah Pollak, along with their strange bedfellows allies in the end-of-days evangelical Christian ultra-right, in this case led by Gary Bauer, have apparently founded an organization called the “Emergency Committee for Israel.” And what "emergency" would that be? Well, by the looks of things it's certainly the emergency of not having a Republican president or Congress, since the group's efforts seem to be entirely targeted at Democrat candidates for Congress in the upcoming November election. In other words, the “emergency” would seem to be the election and the intention would be to use bizarre scare tactics about “anti-Israel” policies of the Obama administration and other Democrats as a scare tactic to promote Republican candidates.

All's fair in love and whatsit, I suppose, but who would the actual targeted voters be in such a campaign?....READ MORE

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