Sunday, June 20, 2010

Report: Israel revoking Jerusalem residency of hundreds

Report: Israel revoking Jerusalem residency of hundreds
Bethlehem - Ma'an/Agencies - Many Palestinians from Jerusalem who choose to study and work abroad are finding out that they have imperiled their right to return to their hometown, an Israeli newspaper reported Saturday.

The 1952 Law of Entry into Israel determines that anyone who is not an Israeli citizen or the holder of an immigrant's permit or immigrant's certificate does not have the right to live in Israel, and his residency in Israel is conditional on a residency permit that has been granted to him according to this law, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported regarding a Palestinian deportee.

According to the report, 289 Jerusalemites' residencies were revoked in 2007. In 2008, the residency of Murad Abu-Khalaf, 33, a native of Ras al-Amud, who has a doctorate in electrical engineering, was revoked, the newspaper reported. Some 4,577 Jerusalemites' residencies were revoked in 2008, according to the data provided by the Interior Ministry quoted by Haaretz.

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