Monday, June 14, 2010

Paris or Proust with Alexandra Handal... from Nathalie Handal's new blog

Best piece of advice you were ever given, and who gave it to you?

I was in my early twenties and as I often did, I went over to my belated teta’s* house, known to her grandchildren as Ninnin, to have lunch with her. I came wearing a summery navy blue decolté* dress that had small flower patterns on it and that gave me a delicate cleavage. As I entered the living room, my teta looked at me from where she always sat and said: ‘il faut t’habillé comme ça plus souvent*’. From her facial expression and her encouraging ways, I understood her advice as ‘live your dreams, be the woman you want to be, and don’t let anyone tamper with your freedom’. I keep her spirit alive in me.

*1: grandmother in arabic *2: strapless *3: ‘You should dress like that more often’.

Paris or Proust

with Alexandra Handal

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