Sunday, June 20, 2010

Occupied territories: "Systematic and continuing human rights violations must stop," says UN Committee on Israeli practices

Occupied territories: "Systematic and continuing human rights violations must stop," says UN Committee on Israeli practices

DAMASCUS (18 June 2010) – The UN Special Committee on Israeli Practices in the Occupied Territories* expressed serious concern about the human rights situation in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank -including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan.

"Victims of the systematic and often arbitrary restrictions on human rights and basic freedoms have the right to see justice prevail," said Ambassador Palitha T.B. Kohona, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN in New York, and Chairman of the Committee, at the end of a 13-day fact-finding visit to Cairo, Amman and Damascus. "Violations must cease," he added.

"The testimonies that we have heard attest to a failure to address the long-standing pattern of serious violations of human rights," Ambassador Kohona noted. In the past two weeks, the three-member Committee has heard the testimonies of dozens of witnesses from across the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan, recounting their first-hand experiences of life under occupation....READ MORE

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