Monday, June 28, 2010

My letter to the Washington Post RE Flirting with zealotry in Malaysia By Jackson Diehl

RE: Flirting with zealotry in Malaysia By Jackson Diehl

Dear Editor,

In 1948 United Nations (page 4 on the PDF file ) Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte pointed out that "It would be an offence against the principles of justice if those innocent victims [Palestinian refugees] could not return to their homes while [Zionist] immigrants flowed into Palestine to take their place." This is still true today- and each and every Palestinian child knows this as an absolute fact.

It is not zealotry or extremism to be horrified by Israel's rampant institutionalized bigotry and flagrant violations of international law & the Palestinians' basic human rights (...inalienable legal, moral and natural rights- regardless of borders or lack thereof.)

It is not zealotry or extremism to be firm in objecting to the pervasive persecution, impoverishment, and displacement of the native non-Jewish population of historic Palestine.

It is not zealotry or extremism to "stridently" demand that Israel stop demolishing Palestinians homes and communities- and peace.

It is not zealotry or extremism to be sincerely concerned about the largest, longest running refugee crisis in the world today- nor is it zealotry or extremism to condemn any nation or group that systemically pushes vulnerable men, women and children in poverty and forced exile because of their family's religion or ethnic background.

America's foolish support of home wrecking Israel OBVIOUSLY empowers radicals, religious extremists and various hate mongers and petty tyrants worldwide- including but not limited to Israel's own generously subsidized Jewish "scholars" and settlers.

The global information age gives people world wide the power to see and explore what Israel really is and does. By foolishly sustaining a status quo of "pro-Israel" punditry in our mainstream newspapers' news and opinion sections, a diverse and growing crowd of people from all walks of life can not help but be pushed away from being pro-American period. I'd rather not help that happen.... what about you?

Anne Selden Annab

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