Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My letter to the Washington Post RE Israel's feeling of isolation is becoming more pronounced

RE: Israel's feeling of isolation is becoming more pronounced

Dear Editor,

Israel has spent the past 60 sovereign years using both legal maneuvers as well as illegal maneuvers in order to impoverish, displace and disenfranchise Palestinians where ever they might be. I wish Elton John would write songs about that, rather than performing his beautiful music for the rogue nation state that has helped create so much misery, terror, institutionalized bigotry and religious extremism in the Middle East.

There are, according to most reports, 7.1 million displaced Palestinians. Many were displaced in 1948 when Israel was founded, but more and more are being displaced day after day after day- decade after decade by Israel: "1967-present day: Estimates vary greatly on the annual rate of new displacements, but Palestinian sources cite up to 20,000 newly displaced persons per year. Reasons for new displacement include Israel’s construction of a separation barrier in the West Bank and Jerusalem, the construction of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, the revocation of residency rights and house demolitions. " (MIDDLE EAST: Palestinian refugee factbox/timeline)

Clearly Israel needs to end its bad habit of persecuting, impoverishing and displacing the native non-Jewish population of historic Palestine. The Israel/Palestine conflict needs to end- and so does the largest, longest running refugee crisis in the world today: A fully secular two state solution is the best way forward. A two state solution that is based on full respect for international law and basic human rights across the board- including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees very real right to return to original homes and lands.

Anne Selden Annab

Peacemaking takes courage, leaders

Israel must clarify Palestine's status

The Arab Peace Initiative

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