Thursday, June 17, 2010

My letter to USAToday RE Israel's war is our war, too By Bob Beckel and Cal Thomas

UNWRA photo achives: Barefoot and pushing their belongings in prams and carts, Arab families leave the coastal town of Jaffa which became part of the greater Tel Aviv area in the state of Israel.

RE: Israel's war is our war, too By Bob Beckel and Cal Thomas

Dear Editor,

Palestine's struggle for real freedom and democracy should be our struggle too, for everyone's sake. Instead we have legions of pro-Israel 'experts', like Beckel and Thomas blithely ignoring Israel's flagrant violations of international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights- and ignoring the crucial importance of empowering a fair and just negotiated settlement to end the Israel/Palestine conflict and the religious extremism on every side.

FYI, here is what we really need to be noticing: "It doesn’t make sense for Palestinians to be part of the lifeline of settlements that are built on Palestinian soil and to be part of the prosperity of the settlers, who are taking a very harsh, radical and violent position against the Palestinians,” said Abu Libda.

And this: "The Oslo Accord and subsequent peace plans and initiatives such as the U.S.-sponsored Road Map required Israel to stop all Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory. Yet, consecutive Israeli governments have continued to expand settlements. These settlements being deemed illegal by the international community and an obstacle to peace, has not stopped the Israeli leadership; the number of settlers has tripled in size since the signing of the Oslo Accord." Peacemaking takes courage, leaders by Mahmoud Abbas

And this "
We call on the Israeli government to reverse this decision and to immediately halt all settlement activity and all other violations of Palestinian rights. We also call on the United States and the international community to ensure that Israel abides by international law and begins to live up to its obligations under previous agreements." Christopher Hazou, Communications Officer, Palestine Liberation Organization Mission to the United States

And this: The Arab Peace Initiative .... "Emanating from the conviction of the Arab countries that a military solution to the conflict will not achieve peace or provide security for the parties"

And this "It can't, and it shouldn't be, all Gaza flotilla all the time" Hussein Ibish

And this: "ATFP (The American Task Force on Palestine) is strictly opposed to all acts of violence against civilians no matter the cause and no matter who the victims or perpetrators may be. The Task Force advocates the development of a Palestinian state that is democratic, pluralistic, non-militarized and neutral in armed conflicts."

And this: "The political process would fail to meet its desired ends, he said, without a return to credibility. " This cannot be achieved unless the international community adheres to its responsibilities of ending the occupation, applying international resolutions, and securing the Palestinian right to self-determination and statehood."" Fayyad in the Galilee: We won't be hostages

Anne Selden Annab

Peacemaking takes courage, leaders

Israel must clarify Palestine's status

The Arab Peace Initiative

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