Saturday, June 19, 2010

Israel To Demolish Homes In Jerusalem

Israel To Demolish Homes In Jerusalem

author Friday June 18, 2010 04:40author by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies Report post
Workers of the Jerusalem municipality and officers of the so-called Border Police broke in Thursday into several homes that belong to the Salah family in Beit Safafa in East Jerusalem, and handed them orders to demolish their homes.

The orders were addressed to Ismail Ali Salah, his brother Mahmoud, Mohammad Salah, and Tahani Mohammad Suleiman.

Resident Ismail Salah stated that municipality workers and Israeli soldiers broke into his home on Thursday morning and told the family that they should move to “Ramallah or Hebron”.

He added that the homes were built during the Jordanian era before Israel was established and that 43 residents are living there.

Israeli soldiers also claimed that members of the Salah family hurled stones at settlers who are currently living in a home that was confiscated from them on April 25, 2010.

They lost their home to Jewish settlers who were granted a ruling by the Israeli High court allowing them to occupy the property.

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