Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do you see an opportunity... Dr. IBISH: Yes. NPR Interview with ATFP Senior Fellow

Do you see an opportunity...

Dr. IBISH: Yes.

RAZ: ...for pro-Palestinian advocacy groups in Washington right now?

Dr. IBISH: Definitely, there is one if they take advantage of it. And I think to do that, you have to appeal to the American national interest to get people's attention.

I think there are three paradigm shifts. The first is the one most obviously implicit in your question that there's a new context in which Israeli conduct is being viewed internationally, including in the United States and maybe, in a way, especially in the United States.

There's a second very important paradigm shift on the Palestinian side, especially in the West Bank, where you've seen a real commitment to emerging non-violent strategies, state and institution building in a very high level, settlement boycotts that's non-violent and tries to make a distinction between the settlements and Israel itself. This is a major paradigm shift in the Palestinian approach.

And there's a third paradigm shift and I think it's very important in the context of the ability of pro-Palestine groups in Washington to have a seat at the table, which is I think we are now increasingly, all of us - Jewish Americans, Arab Americans and others, understanding this is not a zero sum conflict. It's not as if everything good for Israel is bad for the Palestinians and vice versa.

But I think it's becoming increasingly clear on both sides we need a partnership and we need it now, because our friends and relatives in the Middle East and our own country here need the same thing, which is a peace agreement, a two-state peace agreement... read more

Israeli Raid Presents Opportunity For Palestinians

June 5, 2010

Israel's decision this week to send armed commandos onto a ship carrying activists sparked international condemnation. It also provided a political platform for Palestinian activists at home -- and abroad -- to further their case for a homeland. Host Guy Raz talks with Hussein Ibish, a senior fellow at the American Task Force, about whether pro-Palestinian groups are finding it easier to be heard.

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