Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Budrus: Saving a Palestinian Village from the Separation Barrier through Non-Violent Resistance... 6-23-2010 A Discussion with Clips from the film

American Task Force on Palestine,
Just Vision,
Churches for Middle East Peace,
Americans for Peace Now,
and the Foundation for Middle East Peace

invite you to

Saving a Palestinian Village from the Separation Barrier through Non-Violent Resistance
A Discussion with Clips from the Award-Winning Documentary Film

Ronit Avni
Founder, Executive Director, Just Vision;
Filmmaker and Human Rights Advocate

Julia Bacha
Director, Budrus;
Senior Producer & Media Director, Just Vision

Ayed Morrar
Community Organizer;
Budrus, Palestine

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
9:00 am- 11:00 am
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
1779 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC

Please RSVP to info@fmep.org or 202-835-3650.

The full length film will be shown at the US Captiol Visitor Center on June 22 at 6:30 pm, and at the Silverdocs Film Festival at the American Film Institute in Silver Spring on June 24 at 7:15 pm and June 26 at 4:00 pm.

Budrus is a stunning documentary film about Palestinian villagers, under the leadership of Ayed Morrar and his fifteen-year-old daughter, Iltezam, who adopted the strategy of non-violent resistance, united all political factions along with Israelis and stopped construction of Israel's Separation Barrier that would have destroyed the villagers' lands, cemetery and livelihood. Their nonviolent effort has inspired villages across the West Bank and East Jerusalem to adopt similar methods. Ronit Avni, Julia Bacha and Ayed Morrar will speak and present clips from the film.

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