Monday, May 3, 2010

Why it's a good thing that Palestinians are returning to negotiations with Israel

The weblog of Hussein Ibish

An Ibishblog reader asks me the following question:

For as long as I have been reading your articles, you have maintained an almost messianic belief in "negotiated settlements; road maps, etc.. etc.." and in the meantime, Israel has continued to colonize, terrorize, violate and punish. My question is: how long will you go on believing (do you really), advocating, and dreaming that your preferred approach will yield any results that any Palestinian (and most any Arab not on some payroll) can accept? Am at a loss to understand. Do you really believe in this endless charade of "negotiations"?

Now this is actually an interesting question: why do I continue to advocate that Palestinians pursue negotiations in spite of the many reasons for suspecting they probably won't achieve anything in the immediate term and may even not ever achieve anything in the long-term? Simply, because there is no other way of ending the conflict and ending the occupation. Either we have negotiations that produce a conflict-ending agreement, or the conflict and the occupation will continue. It really is...READ MORE

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