Thursday, May 13, 2010

PLO: Palestinian Refugees’ Right of Return Is Indisputable

PLO: Palestinian Refugees’ Right of Return Is Indisputable
13.05.10 - 21:34

Ramallah – PNN - The Palestine Liberation Organization Department of International Relations reaffirmed the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their original homes is one of the inalienable national invariables.

ImageIn a press release issued today as part of the 62 anniversary of the Palestinian NAKBA commemoration activity, the Department asserted the cause of the Palestinian refugees is sacred and is one of the top priorities for the Palestinian leadership.

Additionally, the Department reiterated the PLO’s rejection to settle Palestinian refugees in the host countries where they temporarily reside. The PLO pointed out the refugees’ lawful right to return to their original homes from which they were expelled from as a result of the atrocities perpetrated by the Zionist gangs.

The right to return is in accordance with legitimate international decisions, namely UN Resolutions 194, 242, 338 and the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002.

In the same context, the Department of International Relations warned of the grave consequences of the Israeli Military Order 1650, describing it as a new means to banish more Palestinians. The Israeli military began implementing the said order by expelling dozens of Palestinians from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip or to Jordan under feeble pretences.

The order 1650, effective last month, gives the Israeli military almost full control to detain and deport anyone in the West Bank who does not have permission from Israel to live in the West Bank.

This includes tens of thousands of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, and those who returned to the West Bank and decided to stay or Gazans who are married to an Israeli Arab and lives in Israel. The order also includes non-Palestinians who are married to Palestinian citizens but do not have Israel's approval to stay in the West Bank.

The Department of International Relations called upon the international community demanding the mitigation of the historical injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people forcing 6 millions –5 millions of them are refugees- to live in the Diaspora.

These millions of Palestinians are prevented by the Israeli authorities from returning to their towns and villages, and at the same time enact racist laws to effect systematic ethnic cleansing against our people, especially in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

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