Sunday, May 16, 2010

My letters to Newsweek, The Washington Post, & AFSC regarding Palestine & Boycotts

RE: Boycott Blues, Palestinians can't wreck Israel's economy by boycotting goods made in the settlements. So why are Israelis so worked up?

Dear Editor,

Good to see Newsweek noticing non-violent Palestinian efforts to protest Israel's continuing crimes against the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land... however you only touched the tip of a very big iceberg: How many more Palestinian homes will Israel wreck- how many more lives will Israel ruin, how many more careers will Israel and its lobby destroy, how many more children will be traumatized, and how many more negotiations will Israel [and its supporters] sabotage before both peace and Palestine have a chance to become more than merely a dream for the many people besieged and tormented by the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Anne Selden Annab

RE: Palestinians turn to boycott in West Bank

Dear Editor,

Fascinating to read the details of the boycott efforts by Palestinians in the West Bank, as well as some of the economic realities propelling Israel's offensive settlement projects in the illegally occupied territories.

Obviously religion empowered by tax payer's money plus military arsenals tends to quickly become institutionalized bigotry: How many more (native non-Jewish) Palestinian men, women and children will lose homes and lands (and jobs) and be pushed into poverty and forced exile due to Israel's Jews-preferred policies and investments on all sides of that monstrous Israeli made 'security' wall?

I very much hope that more people become more aware of the importance of supporting Palestine and peace- and a negotiated SECULAR two state solution to end the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Anne Selden Annab

American Friends Service Committee

Dear AFSC,

Looking over your recent reading list
Israel-Palestine Recommended Reading List, I was sorry to see that you did not have Hussein Ibish's most recent book "What’s Wrong with the One-State Agenda? Why Ending the Occupation and Peace with Israel is Still the Palestinian National Goal"

Yes there are probably many other books you could have maybe included too- such as the poignant Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape by the Palestinian author Raja Shehadeh , but I point out Ibish's book as many concerned and well meaning but misguided people here in America have been convinced to invest in boycott efforts rather than doing what they can to fully support and advocate a nonviolent negotiated settlement in line with international law, relevant UN Resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative shaping a just and lasting peace for both Israel and Palestine.

Anne Selden Annab

"....will return"
by Ismail Shammout

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