Saturday, May 1, 2010

My letter to The Economist REGARDING Get your plan ready, Mr Obama, As talks look set to resume, Barack Obama must prepare a big plan of his own

RE: Get your plan ready, Mr Obama, As talks look set to resume, Barack Obama must prepare a big plan of his own

Dear Sir,

Not only America, not only Obama, and certainly not only official leadership, needs to be involved:
EVERYONE needs to nudge "Arabs and Jews" or however you want to define the division, into ending the Israel/Palestine conflict with a fair and just negotiated settlement ASAP.

Every individual, every organization and government, and every media pundit, every poet, every dreamer, every doer needs to realize that we all have a crucial part in either
instigating even more hostility, strife and escalating religious bigotry OR compassionately calming down the situation by honoring and respecting international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at home and abroad.

One by one, each in our way, citizens of the world can and should help visualize and usher in full respect for international law and basic human rights, INCLUDING but not limited to fully honoring and respecting the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal and moral right to return as clearly called for in UN Resolution 194 from 1948, and affirmed for the umpteenth time once again in the more recent Arab Peace Initiative.

Anne Selden Annab
Homemaker & Poet

The Arab Peace Initiative

Emanating from the conviction of the Arab countries that a military solution to the conflict will not achieve peace or provide security for the parties, the council:

1. Requests Israel to reconsider its policies and declare that a just peace is its strategic option as well.

2. Further calls upon Israel to affirm:

I- Full Israeli withdrawal from all the territories occupied since 1967, including the Syrian Golan Heights, to the June 4, 1967 lines as well as the remaining occupied Lebanese territories in the south of Lebanon.

II- Achievement of a just solution to the Palestinian refugee problem to be agreed upon in accordance with U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194.

III- The acceptance of the establishment of a sovereign independent Palestinian state on the Palestinian territories occupied since June 4, 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

3. Consequently, the Arab countries affirm the following:

I- Consider the Arab-Israeli conflict ended, and enter into a peace agreement with Israel, and provide security for all the states of the region.

II- Establish normal relations with Israel in the context of this comprehensive peace.

4. Assures the rejection of all forms of Palestinian patriation which conflict with the special circumstances of the Arab host countries.

5. Calls upon the government of Israel and all Israelis to accept this initiative in order to safeguard the prospects for peace and stop the further shedding of blood, enabling the Arab countries and Israel to live in peace and good neighbourliness and provide future generations with security, stability and prosperity.

6. Invites the international community and all countries and organisations to support this initiative.

7. Requests the chairman of the summit to form a special committee composed of some of its concerned member states and the secretary general of the League of Arab States to pursue the necessary contacts to gain support for this initiative at all levels, particularly from the United Nations, the Security Council, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the Muslim states and the European Union.

The Palestinian State and Institution Building Program
Documents detailing the state and institution building program of the 13th Palestinian Government, including the overall plan and priority interventions for 2010.

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