Friday, May 7, 2010

BADIL Announces Al-Awda Award Winners for 2010 at 4th Annual Awards Ceremony

BADIL Announces Al-Awda Award Winners for 2010 at 4th Annual Awards Ceremony

The award aims to foster Palestinian talent and creativity and to raise the profile of the Palestinian Nakba and the right of all forcibly displaced Palestinians to return to their homes and lands As with previous years, the Awda Award Festival launches the Nakba commemoration activities in Palestine that will continue over the coming months.

The 2010 Winners are:

Category: Best Nakba Commemoration Poster
Members of the jury: Yousif Ktlo, Sulaiman Mansour, Makboula Nassar, Mohammad Alayan, Omar Assaf.

Name: Mosaab Jamal Abu Sil
Prize: First
Age: 22

See the poster

Name: Ashraf Ahmad Ghareeb
Prize: Second
Age: 39

See the poster

Name: Ibrahim Ahmad
Prize: Third
Age: 23

See the poster

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