Thursday, April 8, 2010

My letters to the New York Times & The Washington Post RE Discussions, but no decisions, on an Obama plan for Mideast peace

Palestinian Poppies by Tamam Al-Akhal

RE: Weighing an Obama Plan to End a Mideast Logjam

Dear Editor,

You do your readers (and America as well as Israel) no favors by foolishly attempting to dismiss the Palestinian refugees right of return when advocating the outline of a potential peace agreement to end the Israel/Palestine conflict.

A serious and believable peace agreement has to respect international law and basic human rights.... and it has to take into account the fact that Israel has continued to evict Palestinians and usurp their land all along. A serious and believable peace agreement must not empower or excuse Israel's institutionalized bigotry, injustice and intransigence.

Anne Selden Annab

RE: Discussions, but no decisions, on an Obama plan for Mideast peace

Dear Editor,

You mainly empower HAMAS and religious tyranny by falling in line with the Zionist desire to discredit and destroy the Palestinian refugees very real right to return to original homes and lands.

Stateless Palestinian refugees need to be free to make informed choices: One by one, and family by family they need to be free to simply be people- not pawns for various religious schemes, petty tyrants and angry radicals who use the Israel/Palestine conflict as a launching pad for their hate campaigns.

A fully secular two state solution to end the contentious Israel/Palestine conflict is the most realistic and reasonable path to a just and lasting peace. By returning to original homes and lands in what is now Israel, Palestinians currently living in forced exile need to understand that they will be choosing to be citizens of Israel, whereas by accepting compensation and moving elsewhere Palestinians will actually have a chance to empower a real Palestinian state.

Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

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