Thursday, March 25, 2010

Seize the opportunity at hand now, Jordan's King tells Israeli people

Seize the opportunity at hand now, King tells Israeli people

Following is the official translation of His Majesty King Abdullah’s interview with chief editors of The Jordan Times, Al Rai, Ad Dustour, Al Arab Al Yawm and Al Ghad on Wednesday:

25 March 2010

The peace process is at a crossroads now. People are tired of an open-ended process that does not lead to results. I think that the entire world is facing a moment of truth: either we achieve real, tangible and quick progress to resolve the conflict on the basis of the two-state solution within a comprehensive regional context which the Arab Peace Initiative offers; or we enter a new cycle of conflict and violence, and the whole world will pay the price.

There is no room for wasting more time. The peace process continues to lose its credibility and unilateral Israeli actions, especially settlement building, jeopardise the possibility of a viable Palestinian state. As I said before, we are getting to a point where Israel is creating realities on the ground that make it impossible to establish an independent and viable Palestinian state. This means loss of hope which in turn will inevitably lead to an explosive situation.

Israel has to decide whether it wants conflict or peace. If it really wants peace, then it has to prove that with tangible actions by ending all practices that prevent progress towards peace, initiating practical steps to end the occupation, and showing commitment and seriousness towards peace efforts that lead to a two-state solution. The path to peace is clear: an independent Palestinian state on land that was occupied in 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, through serious and effective negotiations governed by a specific timeline and based on agreed references. Or continue to live as a fortress that is isolated from its neighbourhood and rejected in a region that faces the possibility of sinking into more violence and conflict.

The Arab Peace Initiative provides an unprecedented opportunity to achieve comprehensive peace between Israel and all Arab and Muslim states that support the initiative and have repeatedly reaffirmed their commitment to it. All Arab states are committed to a peace that restores Arab rights and provides security and acceptance to Israel. The entire world agrees on the need to achieve peace and that the establishment of the Palestinian state is at the core of this peace. But the problem is with Israel. What Israel needs to know is that its security will not be achieved through continued occupation, building walls, and exerting military force. Israel’s true security is attained through ending occupation, achieving peace, and building normal ties with its region and neighbours.

Here, I would like to say to the Israeli people that the chance to achieve true peace, true security, and to live peacefully with your neighbours is possible now. So, seize this opportunity in order to secure a better future for yourselves and the people of the region through ending the occupation and reaching a peace treaty that secures the Palestinians their right to a state and independence and gives you security assurances that are stronger than all armies and walls, for time is not in anyone’s interest.

We have to read the situation accurately. There is increased international pressure on the Israeli government and rejection of its positions and policies that jeopardise peace efforts. What the Israeli government wants is to remove this pressure by provoking the Palestinians and Arabs into taking a decision to withdraw from peace efforts and to tell the world that the Arabs do not want peace and there are no Palestinian and Arab negotiating partners. We must not allow Israel to achieve this goal. We have to hold on to the peace option according to the principles and references that restore all Arab rights, particularly the right of the Palestinians to establish their independent state on their national soil.

Q: But Your Majesty, some say that Israel is betting on a Jordan option and on Jordan playing a security role in the West Bank, hence, it does not have to accept the two-state solution.

A: These are illusions. I have repeatedly affirmed, and I shall repeat now, there is no such thing as a “Jordan option”. No one can enforce such a solution and whoever speaks of such illusions is talking about an impossible scenario. Palestinians want their independent state on their national soil; and Jordanians stand with their full power behind this Palestinian right. We totally reject any role in the West Bank except to help our Palestinian brothers in building their independent state. As I have said, we will not agree to replace Israeli tanks in the West Bank with Jordanian tanks and we will not allow Israel to solve the problems of its occupation of the West Bank and the resulting suffering and injustice at Jordan’s expense. This is not even subject to discussion.

Let’s speak in more details here. You tell me how anyone can enforce this illusion! I know there are irrational voices that claim that the so-called Jordan option will be imposed through exerting economic pressure on us and halting aid, among other things. OK, but the halt in aid will result in economic problems, whereas accepting what you call the Jordan option - and I do not see it as an option - means suicide to this country. So, do we bear the challenges - something that we have done successfully many times in the past - or agree to commit the country to suicide? So, I don’t think the subject needs further discussion.

There are also those who say that Israel is going to expel Palestinians to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, and impose a solution. OK, the question is how will Israel do that? This will mean war and destruction for the entire region. Let’s assume - for the sake of argument - that by some miracle Israel managed to pull this through. Will this solve the problem? Of course not. This will only deepen the conflict and force the region into a new wave of violence and war.

There is no logic in all these views, and our position is unequivocal and there is no need to waste time and effort in discussing illusions that will never be achieved. We in Jordan should not allow those who promote such illusions in order to serve their own narrow interests which are totally disconnected from Jordan’s interest to succeed.

The two-state solution is the only solution. The alternative - as many see it now - is a one-state solution where Palestinians gain citizenship rights and full political rights in Israel. In this case, Israel would have to give Palestinians who will be a majority these rights, or apply an apartheid system and live with all the consequences and the potential threats.

Q: Your Majesty, do you think the United States is close to losing its credibility in playing a constructive role in the peace process?

A: To begin, I am certain that American President Barack Obama is committed to solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict according to the two-state solution. The US president announced that solving the conflict is in the United States’ national security interests. The truth is that a solution cannot be reached without a leading and effective US role in negotiations. We hope that the United States will give the necessary attention to peace efforts in order to achieve the required progress that is based on clear criteria, plan and timeline. An impasse in negotiations will surely undermine the credibility of the United States and that of all countries that promote a peaceful solution through negotiations.

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