Sunday, March 14, 2010

Of the Women, By the Women, For the Women by Moign Khawaja in the Foreign Policy Journal

View of a pre-school classroom run by ANERA, a US non-governmental organization working in the occupied territories since 1968. Teachers, often under-resourced, come up with brilliant ideas to recycle refuse and use them in the classrooms to educate children. Israel’s crippling blockade of Gaza means no books, toys, classroom aids or even meals can be provided to school going children. In my opinion, Palestinian teachers are one of the most resourceful teachers in the world as they do their best to come up with solutions and carry on teaching. Photo - ANERAorg

Of the Women, By the Women, For the Women

March 13, 2010
by Moign Khawaja

“No Moign, everything we are going to do today will be done by me,” Menna insisted in a loud but polite tone. “You have to understand that it’s International Women’s Day so I will do everything myself today and you’ll only be a silent observer. It’s my turn to tell the story and you’ll patiently be my audience. You see any problem with it?”

The Gazan school teacher is brimming with confidence today. Someone who is usually very kind and accommodating with me is in a mood to prove a point. “Having a day reserved for women does not mean that we do something special on this day and it’s highlighted. For me it’s a day to remind everyone all over the world that women work 365 days a year and do as much important work as men,” she said in an assertive tone. And she was proving a valid point. The fair sex works hard day and night but gets recognition only one day a year!

UNRWA SCHOOL – GAZA – 0900 local time

This is the place where I come every day to work. This is the place that is most important to me after my home. It has always been my dream to be a decent human being, and a responsible woman who is useful to her family and the society. When I completed my formal education, I looked around to see how my ambitions can be fulfilled and my aspirations of being a useful member of the society be realized.

Once I was out on the street early in the morning to buy breakfast for my family. There I saw kids as young as three year old walking to the school with a dazzling smile on their face and their uniforms shining brightly in the morning sun. It took me no time to recognize that I belong to a place where kids are given the most precious gift in their life – education. It is such a present that can change their life forever. I decided to train as a teacher and become the guardian of our children’s future....READ MORE

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