Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My letters today to the LA Times, the Washington Post, & the Philadelphia Inquirer regarding Israel and Palestine

Palestinian schoolchildren shout slogans as they carry a national flag and a poster depicting Jerusalem during a protest at the Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp, southern Lebanon March 16, 2010. The protest was held to express solidarity with Palestinians in Jerusalem who were protesting in a "day of rage" on Tuesday.REUTERS/ Ali Hashisho (LEBANON - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EDUCATION POLITICS)

RE: LA Times Editorial: Stumbling over settlements, The more Israel builds housing in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the more elusive an accord with the Palestinians becomes.

Dear Editor,

Modern, man-made Israel continues to systemically and intentionally impoverish and displace the native non-Jewish Palestinians, undermining both peace and Palestine at every turn. Bravo to the Obama administration for confronting and criticizing Israel's intransigence.

Zionist troublemakers clearly want to do to Jerusalem what they have already done to Hebron: "Since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Israeli settler groups in Hebron have acted with increasing impunity in a city with an overwhelming Palestinian majority. This is largely due to restrictions imposed by the Israeli government to promote the settler presence in the heart of Hebron's Old City." http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/mar/10/jerusalem-hebron-israel-palestine The Hebronisation of Jerusalem

Anne Selden Annab

RE: Washington Post Editorial- The U.S. quarrel with Israel

Dear Editor,

Fact is, regardless of who is in office, Americans should not be empowering Israel's institutionalized bigotry and the many Zionist invasion projects, infrastructures, and polices that oppress and perpetually displace and impoverish the native non-Jewish Palestinians on both sides of that monstrous Israeli-made Apartheid wall.

If our Congress insisted on funding Christians-only immigration and housing here there would be a huge uproar of righteous indignation... and rightly so.

America should be firmly and clearly insisting on a fully secular two state solution to end the Israel/Palestine conflict once and for all for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab

RE: Philadelphia Inquirer letters- Cut aid to Israel

Dear Editor,

I very much agree with the letter writing asking that we cut aid to Israel. Quickly would be best, before our 'friend' can do even more harm to both Palestine and peace- and to America itself and all the ideals we are supposed to be defending.

Anne Selden Annab

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