Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My letters to USA Today & The Times regarding "Apologies needed" & "For the first time there are voices questioning Israel’s strategic value"

RE: USAToday letters- Apologies needed

Dear Editor,

I very much appreciated seeing Ken Galal's excellent letter insisting that Israel should "be apologizing for continuing to take Palestinian land and denying Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation the right to a viable state of their own." Well said!

Radical Islamists worldwide abuse the very real plight of the Palestinians in order to gain recruits. Best way to stop that is to make sure that the powers that be (including America's media, as well as our political and religious leaders), seriously focus in on making both peace and Palestine a solid reality.

Anne Selden Annab


RE: For the first time there are voices questioning Israel’s strategic value

Dear Sir,

I was quite impressed to see the article "For the first time there are voices questioning Israel’s strategic value". Hopefully more and more people in power will step up to seriously question exactly what Jews-preferred Israel has been doing, and why it is crucially important to refuse to endorse the rampant institutionalized bigotry and injustice that is Israel today.

Day after day after day Palestinians are harassed and harmed by Israeli zealots and Zionist invaders who want the land but not the people of that land. A negotiated, nonviolent, fully secular two state solution to end the Israel /Palestine conflict once and for all needs to empower fair and just laws and firm respect for basic human rights- real freedom and true democracy regardless of supposed race or religion.

Anne Selden Annab

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