Friday, March 19, 2010

My letter to the Washington Post RE " How Obama created the Biden incident" by Charles Krauthammer

RE: How Obama created the Biden incident By Charles Krauthammer

Dear Editor,

Perhaps Krauthammer hopes to help bring on "The Rapture" with his blindly pro-Israel rant. That would certainly explain why he completely fails to notice the secular nature of Palestinian demands for real freedom and justice.

Or perhaps
Krauthammer is just lazy, and rather than thinking for himself he opted to simply echo Zionist propaganda.

One thing is for sure: Krauthammer, Israel and the Islamists all have one very obvious common denominator- they all very much want to turn the Israel/Palestine conflict into a religious war.

Thankfully, because of the miracle of the internet, Americans looking for more sensible and fact based perspectives can find many revealing and helpful offerings. For instance Rami G. Khouri
, writing in the Jordan Times, adeptly explores the Biden incident in a much broader context, more relevant if one really is serious about empowering peace in the Middle East: "Settlements loom so large because they touch the two critical issues at play here: Israel’s colonisation policies and America’s subservience to Israel." The US-Israeli feud By Rami G. Khouri

Anne Selden Annab
"Continued settlement activity, confrontations in East Jerusalem, excavations near holy sites, evictions of Palestinian families, travel and visa restrictions, belligerent conduct by extremist settlers, and sporadic violence by individual and organized Palestinian extremists all undermine the viability and credibility of negotiators and negotiations. " Washington is the indispensible partner for a settlement by Ziad Asali

"Historically, secular values have been a major feature of the Palestinian national movement" Palestine must be a secular state by Hussein Ibish

Need the facts on Palestine?


Growing Gardens for Palestine

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights wisely reminds us that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." We need a Golden Rule Peace for Israel and Palestine

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