Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My letter to the LATimes RE "A script that may never be finished, Frequent revisions by its playwright have made 'Salam Shalom' a living chronicle..."

RE: A script that may never be finished, Frequent revisions by its playwright have made 'Salam Shalom' a living chronicle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.,0,6544268.story

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing the fascinating story "A script that may never be finished, Frequent revisions by its playwright have made 'Salam Shalom' a living chronicle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." bI am intrigued by the idea of a play that changes with the times- evolves to reflect reality.

Always good to see people using their time and talent in positive and productive ways. I wish Saleem Azzouqa the best of luck with his ongoing play and his acting career. What a shame that he has had problems getting acting roles in part because he's been told that he doesn't look enough like an Arab: Stereotypes really can be so stifling- and wrong!

I very much hope that one day soon
Azzouqa's play is forced to confront a happily ever after ending for Palestine and Israel- perhaps not perfection but a good enough peace agreement to end the contentious Palestine/Israel conflict with a peacefully negotiated secular two state solution- a place to start peace and progress for everyone's sake, regardless of supposed religion or DNA markers.

Anne Selden Annab

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