Thursday, March 11, 2010

My letter to the LATimes RE Recent events aside, a two-state solution remains the best path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

RE: Editorial: Staying true to 'two-state' Recent events aside, a two-state solution remains the best path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.,0,6205345.story

Dear Editor,

The question should not be "Is time running out for a two state solution?" We need a more telling statement such as: "Is time running out for a real solution- and a just and lasting peace in the Middle East?"

What is right now already is the one state "solution" with the continued oppression, impoverishment and displacement of the native non-Jewish men, women and children of historic Palestine. Already extremists, religious idiots, and many naive and easily manipulated followers of various factions on all sides have helped inflict a huge amount of harm to both Palestine and peace. Do you really think more time will change that trend?

A totally secular two state solution will help push both Israel and Palestine towards starting the hard process of healing and moving forward in much more positive directions for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab

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