Monday, March 29, 2010

My letter to the LA Times RE East Jerusalem house is a home divided, An Israeli court has let Jewish settlers live in the front of a Palestinian home

Jerusalem, Dome of the rock, in the background the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

RE: East Jerusalem house is a home divided, An Israeli court has let Jewish settlers live in the front of a house Palestinians have lived in for half a century. The close quarters make for constant tensions and frequent police intervention.,0,830231.story

Dear Editor,

The situation is cruel- intentionally and extensively cruel: Israelis are very much in the wrong to be both using and abusing various laws in order to push Palestinians out of their homes and off their ancestral lands.

Israelis certainly do know how to empower religious extremism on both sides in order to undermine peace- and Palestine: This week the Jerusalem Post is reporting that a group called "Our Land of Israel" is plastering posters on buses with East Jerusalem routes. Our Land of Israel spokesman claim that “The Arabs and President Obama know that the Temple will be built on the Temple Mount, instead of the temporary buildings that are there today.” Their inflammatory posters (targeting Arab neighborhoods) show the well known "Temple Mount" minus the iconic and historic Jerusalem landmark The Dome of the Rock.... what would you do if you were a Palestinian dealing day in and day out with Israeli's insults- and gross violations of international law and the Palestinians basic human rights?

Israelis were totally in the wrong in 1948 when they ignored UN Resolution 194 concerning the Palestinian refugees' inalienable legal and natural right to return to original homes and lands- and Israelis are totally in the wrong today as they continue doing all they can to displace, radicalize, and destroy the native non-Jewish Palestinians wherever they might be: A fully secular two state solution to end the Israel/Palestine conflict would go a long way towards calming down all the many extremists, hate mongers and criminals worldwide who have been thriving on the continuation of the conflict.

Anne Selden Annab

Growing Gardens for Palestine

We need a Golden Rule Peace for Israel and Palestine

"Continued settlement activity, confrontations in East Jerusalem, excavations near holy sites, evictions of Palestinian families, travel and visa restrictions, belligerent conduct by extremist settlers, and sporadic violence by individual and organized Palestinian extremists all undermine the viability and credibility of negotiators and negotiations. " Washington is the indispensible partner for a settlement by Ziad Asali

"Historically, secular values have been a major feature of the Palestinian national movement" Palestine must be a secular state by Hussein Ibish

Need the facts on Palestine?

What's Wrong with the One-State Agenda?

Palestinian 1 Pound note, minted in 1939. Palestinian Pounds are no longer in use

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