Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My letter to CSM RE "Why Israel jailed me for ‘talking too much’ ... We could use a little support from Obama" by Jamal Juma’

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable..." Martin Luther King, Jr.

RE: Why Israel jailed me for ‘talking too much’ All we Palestinians want is a life free from racial discrimination. We could use a little support from Obama. By Jamal Juma’

Dear Editor,

THANK YOU! Thank you for publishing "Why Israel jailed me for ‘talking too much’ All we Palestinians want is a life free from racial discrimination. We could use a little support from Obama." By Jamal Juma’

I do very much hope that the renewed Middle East peace process becomes much more than a charade and a cruel farce- I hope that it becomes a real effort on everyone's part to seriously and conscientiously calm down and end the Israel/Palestine conflict with a shift into serious negotiations based on full respect for international law, basic human rights, and a two state secular solution... two states Israel and Palestine - living side by side in peace and security.

Two states, with clear borders and passports and people free to come and go- free to find jobs and free to start the process of healing and helping each other overcome all the many challenges ahead as both Israel and Palestine start investing in peace and progress for everyone's sake.

Anne Selden Annab

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